Argos is located 11 km away from Nafplio, at the northeastern part of Peloponnese. A transportation node for the Prefecture, its population numbers 47.000 people, while it is located 9 km northwest of Nafplio and 135 km from Athens. It is the second most ancient city of Greece, after Sikiona, and for a large time period it was the most important. Argos was for centuries under the influence of neighboring city, Mycenae (10 km away).
History of Argos
Argos’ first king was Enahos, son of Oceanus (“Ocean”) and Tethys, who gave his name to the river Enahos that was crossing right before the city’s walls. His reign is dated from 1986 BC onwards. The significance of the civilization of Argos can be seen in Homer’s epics, in which all Greeks are called Argeads, maybe because all of Greece’s royal houses descended from Argos. Two of the greatest heroes of mythology come from here, Perseus and Herakles (Hercules).
Modern day Argos
Today, Argos is the largest city of the Prefecture of Argolis and it is a commercial, industrial and agricultural center of the Prefecture, with a large agricultural production and advanced industry, specialized in standardizing and canning farming products.
The city of Argos has some splendid sightseeing, such as “Larisa” Castle, the ancient market and the ancient theater, where various theatrical and musical plays are hosted every summer. It is a true jewel, as it has beautiful neoclassical buildings that stress out its picturesqueness, such as Kallergeo, the Municipal Mansion, the Konstantopouleo Mansion, the house of Trikoupis, and others. The archaeological site of Asini is exquisite, as is the prehistoric settlement of Ancient Lerna, near the village Mili. In the city of Tiryns, you can wander around the archaeological site and the ancient ruins, while in the archaeological site of Medea, you are given the opportunity to visit the ruins of the ancient citadel, which is of eminent importance, as are the ones in Tirynth and Mycenae.
In spite of the number of antiquities and the justified archaeological interest that Argos presents, it is modern city, full of life and motion throughout the year.